Choice of music for "The lamb to the slaughter" by Roahl Dahl
The music that I think suit best is Chopin Nocturne no. 8 op. 27 no. 2. Link: .
The music starts very soothingly in major key, just like when Mr Maloney came home, her wife thought that it would be any other ordinary night that is peaceful and calm. However the music slowly change into still soothing, but in minor key.The meaning is that the wife starts to sense that something is fishy and not right. Slowly, the music starts to ascend louder and louder, as Mr Maloney told her wife that he wanted a divorce, which is a big shock to Mrs Maloney. Mrs Maloney did not dare to believe what she heard, and the music quieten down in a sorrow tune as she felt that everything is over. The music then turned in to major key in different pace like brief or slow as she thought for a moment the different happiness that they had together previously. However, as she turned back to face reality, she started to become very angry, disappointed and have the urge of wanting "revenge" as the music turn into the loudest of the whole song as thoughts raced through her mind and she gets very infuriated. "Why did my husband betrayed me? Why did he..." Mrs Maloney thought. As the music turns very quickly from minor to major, then from major as Mrs Maloney killed her husband with the lamb leg. Then the music turns into very peaceful as she thought that what will happen to her and her child inside her stomach?And as she faced the reality, she thought that she was going to get killed and she thought once again that everything was over.