Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Poetry appreciation

I think that I have been able to appreciate poems more. Before our class did some analyzing poems, I did not know what poems talk about usually. Furthermore, I have also learned the different methods that are commonly used by the poets to express their feelings like using sound words, words that rhymes, simile, metaphors... I have also learn the different types of poem. For example: Haiku, which has 5 syllabus in the first line, then 7 syllabus in the second, and lastly 5 syllabus again. Some of the poems are in a more serious style and have rhymes in the poem whereas some are free-verse. Personally, I prefer the serious style of writing as that is easier to read and understand. I like one of the poems that we go through on the daffodils very much as it really makes me visualize the scene of the poem. The poet describe the daffodils using similes like stars, milky way. Therefore, I think that we should discuss and analyze more poems in class together.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2 Things I learn in Language Arts

I think that I have learnt how to do comprehension in a more effective way. Firstly, I have never done the way to analyze a passage that Mr. Lundberg teaches us. I find it very effective. The method is write down 3 general ideas that you can observe from the passage. Next, you would need to highlight the main points of the passage. For those vocabulary questions that you might not know the meaning of the word, you would need to see the context of the sentence. Other than that, you can still is the prefixes, suffixes, and the root word of the word so as to guess the meaning. This method of guessing the meaning could be also used in reading storybooks as I would feel tired to check the dictionary if you see any words that you do not know in the passage especially when there is a lot of new words. Therefore, I think that my comprehension and summary writing is improving!
Next I also think that I have learnt to write better especially writing blogs. Blogs is just like writing a journal which everybody can see. Therefore, we must be very careful of what we post. We have also learnt in one of the Language Arts lesson not to pst racist comments on blogs. and we have also went through one incident about a person posting racist comments on blog. This people might want to make their blogs seem more interesting and attract more readers but they should also know what to say. Now, after writing different types of blog posts relating to the school, I think that I can write more fluently now as compared to previously and it is also easier to express my thoughts! Now, writing blogs is not a type of homework to me and I feel that it is more to a relaxation. However, I also hope that we should not be restricted to write only about things related to the school as I think that we should be exposed to write different things.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Walking away analyse

Step 2: Loosing, escaping, sad, dissapointed, memories, shadow.
Step 4: Touch-lines, eddying away, irresolute, football, satellite, selfhood, pathos, gnaws at my mind still, like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem, day/play/away, see/free/be, away/convey/clay, so/show/go.
Step 5: no adverbs, absence of fullstops, gnaws at my mind still, like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem.
Step 6: day/play/away - rhymes, see/free/be, - rhymes, away/convey/clay -rhymes, so/show/go -rhymes.
Step 7: No.
Step 8: I think that this poem wants to tell people about the feeling of a parent seeing his child growing up, and one day leaving him. I know this as he wrote "like a winged seed loosened from a parent stem". He was very sad to see his child leave him, as he wrote "that hesitant figure, eddying away", shows that he is not willing to let go.
Step 9: a) persona b)a particular person c) sad d) neutral e) it sounds more formal and it is easier to read as every one. three, five of a paragragh rhymes f)I have understood the poem better. I have learnt how to use the different methods of writing a poem like rhyming, simile, metaphors etc. to create a better effect on the poem.
Step 10: I think that the writer is trying to tell parents that one day, parents have to let go and let their children enter the real world and face reality. Although one would be sad seeing his children leave him, he must know that it is for his child's own good.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Poem: A Gluttonous mice

There once was a gluttonous mice.
Everyday, it'd throw a dice.
Superstitious it was,
to say,"Of course!
Dice'd bring me a lot of rice!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Poem: Listening to Sounds

I heard the owls hooting in the dark.
I heard the sheep bleating beyond the hill.
I heard the wolves howling under the moon.
I heard the sparrow chirping on the trees.
I heard the dogs barking at the rabbit.
I heard the horses neighing on the field.
I heard the bulls snorting behind the fence.
I heard the bees buzzing in front of the flowers.
I heard the frogs croaking on a lily pad.
I heard the mice squeaking in its hole.
I heard the roosters crowing in the morning.
I heard the turkeys booming to each other.
I heard the pigeons cooing peacefully.
I heard the ducks quacking on the water.
I heard the pigs grunting in the mud.
I heard the cats meowing in its warm basket.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Life is a wrestling match

Life is a wrestling match and you never know
your future, which lays ahead of you.
Victory or failure?
You have to fight yourself.

You clench your fist, tighter and tighter,
knowing that fate, lies in your hand.
You stared at him, he stared at you.
Ever so cold, ever so silent.
You bit your lips and shivered in fear,
waiting for him to strike.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The teacher was fierce,
her look was scary,
we had no choice
but to listen intently.

The clock slowly tick away,
ever so slow.
My stomach was groaning with hunger,
and it was one more minute left, RECESS!

The aroma of fried rice
wafted into my nostrils,
and into my stomach it goes!

Back to class,
and study!
Droaning of teacher's voice,
and the unbearable heat in class.

At last the bell rung,
carried my bag,
and home sweet home!
The bag was heavier, much heavier,
with tons of homework in it.